Cat Vaccinations

Cat vaccinations are a critical part of keeping your pet healthy. Not only do they prevent the transmission of fatal feline illnesses, but they also increase a cat’s lifespan. Many cat lovers keep their pets indoors and assume they don’t need vaccination. It’s not true. Cat vaccinations are necessary for indoor cats, just like for outdoor ones. The law makes vaccinating cats over six months of age mandatory for rabies. Knowing the different pet vaccinations required goes a long way in scheduling appointments with our veterinarian at Animal Hospital of Loves Park at the right time and age. 

Cat Vaccination

Types of Cat Vaccines

The American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends two types of pet vaccinations:

  • Core vaccines
  • Non-core vaccines

Core vaccines

These kitty vaccines must be administered to all cats, whether indoors or outdoors. They include:

Rabies Vaccine

The vaccine is administered every year or after every three years based on state laws to protect your cat from rabies. Rabies is a dangerous disease transmissible to humans, hence the need to vaccinate your cat three months after birth.

Although cats aren’t natural carriers, they can get infected through a bite from an infected animal and transmit it to humans and other animals. After the incubation stage, the cat will likely exhibit clinical symptoms of rabies, which can progress to death quickly. Preventative care is the best way to avoid the disease as it has no cure.

FVRCP Vaccine

The vaccine is a combination of three kitty vaccines. A veterinarian administers it at once instead of injecting the cat three times. The FVRCP vaccine consists of the following:

Feline Herpesvirus Type 1: The vaccine protects cats from developing upper respiratory infections. The disease is highly contagious as it’s spread by sharing food bowls, inhaling sneeze droplets, and direct contact.

Feline Panleukopenia (FPV): The vaccine protects your feline friend from developing feline parvovirus. It’s a highly infectious condition with a high mortality rate in young cats.

Feline Calicivirus (FCV): The vaccine protects your cat from stomatitis or gingivitis. The condition causes painful inflammation of the teeth and gums and, in severe cases, loss of hair.

Non-core Vaccines

These kitty vaccines are administered to cats with certain lifestyles. A veterinarian is best placed to recommend non-core pet vaccines, which include:

Chlamydophila felis: The vaccine protects your cat from developing severe conjunctivitis. Sometimes the vaccination is included in the FVRCP vaccine.

Bordetella: Your vet will recommend this vaccine when taking your pet to a groomer. It protects against bacteria that cause infectious respiratory diseases.

Feline Leukemia (Felv) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): Cats that spend most of their time outdoors need this vaccine to protect them from viral infections transmitted through direct contact.

What is the Best Time for Kitty Vaccinations?

The first round of kitty vaccinations happens when the cat is 6-8 weeks old. Other vaccines are administered at 3–4-week intervals until they turn 16 weeks.

1st visit (6-8 weeks)

Vaccines: Chlamydia, panleukopenia, calicivirus

2nd visit (12 weeks)

Vaccines: Panleukopenia, calicivirus, leukemia

3rd visit (14-16 weeks)

Vaccines: Rabies, leukemia vaccine

Visit Animal Hospital of Loves Park Today

Are you a cat lover and live in Illinois? Visit Animal Hospital of Loves Park to get your cat vaccinated. Don’t wait till your pet starts acting up. Schedule an appointment with our vet by calling us at (815) 986-4445 to get all the pet vaccinations. Remember, preventative care is better than cure.

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